The Journal is an online collection of articles and essays written and curated by Thomas W Coombs, published bi-annually.

Once you have read the issue, see the Curated Articles of Note section for some great words from elsewhere on the sartorial web.

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Issue 2; Star Wars - Another New Hope Again?

By T W Coombs

So forty years after the originals and ten years after the prequels the world of Star Wars is back and it has taken a funny turn, by trying to be funny and not living up to the hype, once again.

Issue 2; Gym Etiquette, Do’s, Don’ts and Why Bother?

By T W Coombs

It is coming up on that time of year when everyone has spent a few days indulging themselves and want to better themselves for the classic new year’s resolution.  And normally this involves signing up to the local gym and even though it is a common conception that after a few weeks most stop going and end of up just paying a bill for the next twelve months.  To help you keep up with something which is worth doing I have put together some reasons to actually go and some rules whilst you are there to keep yourself and other gym users happy.